Chitas (Hebrew: חת"ת) is a Hebrew acronym for Chumash (the five books of Moses), Tehillim (Psalms), and Tanya (a seminal work of Hasidic philosophy by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe). These are considered basic Jewish texts.

Chitas By Definition

  1. Chitas is a Hebrew acronym formed by the three letters ches/t (ח), tav (ת), tav (ת), the initials of Chumash (the Five Books of Moses), Tehillim (book of Psalms), and Tanya (the “bible” of Chabad Chassidic thought authored by the first Rebbe of the Chabad movement, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi.)

    To understand the Ashkenazic pronunciation of Chitas, despite the “T” of Tanya, see scriptural reference quoted below, entry 4.

  1. the daily study cycles of the three books.

  2. a single volume entitled Sefer Chitas but commonly called “a Chitas,” which contains the Five Books of Moses, Psalms, and Tanya in that precise order. A Chitas often includes a supplemental Siddur Tehillas/t Hashem prayer book and HaYom Yom, a calendar with daily insights and Chabad customs.

  3. fear (Heb., literal translation), as in the verse, va-yehi chitas Elokim al he-arim, “And the fear of Hashem was upon the cities that were around them, so that they did not pursue Yaakov’s sons” (Bereishis 32:5).¹


/khi-tas (Ashkenazic)/ khitat (Sefardic)/

(pronounced chee-tass; the “ch” sound is guttural, as in the Yiddish chutzpah)


Chumash, Tehillim, & Tanya

  • A Chumash (from chomesh, “a fifth”) is the printed form of the Five Books of Moses.

    The Chumash is further divided into fifty-four sections, ² referred to individually as a parshah (portion), to be read publicly one parshah per week³ as part of the Shabbos service (a practice introduced by Ezra the Scribe),⁴ so that the entire Torah scroll is completed annually.

    Jewish law calls for seven men to be summoned successively to the Torah reading each Shabbos, and as a result, each weekly parshah is split into seven smaller sections, referred to individually as an aliyah⁵ (summons to the Torah reading).

    The daily Chumash studied as part of Chitas follows precisely the weekly Torah readings. Starting from the Sunday of each week, the entire parshah that will be read publicly on the following Shabbos is studied, in the following manner: On Sunday itself, the first aliyah is studied, along with the commentary of Rashi (Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, 11th century), which has long been accepted by all of Jewry as the foremost commentary on the Chumash. On Monday, the second aliyah is studied with Rashi, and so on throughout the week, until the seventh and final section of the parshah is studied on Shabbos itself.

    The entire cycle of public Torah readings – and consequently, the cycle of Chumash studied as part of the daily Chitas – begins anew each year on the festival of Simchas Torah (“Rejoicing over the Torah”), which is celebrated on Tishrei 22 in the Holy Land and on Tishrei 23 in the Diaspora.

    When the reading of a particular parshah is deferred for a week or two due to a festival coinciding with Shabbos (in which case a special reading relating to the particular festival is read instead of the weekly parshah), the daily study of Chitas corresponding to that parshah is likewise repeated for a week or two – until that particular parshah is read publicly during a Shabbos Torah reading.

  • King David’s 150-chapter biblical book of Tehillim (Psalms) is divided in a number of ways.

    It is split into five books, which correspond to the Chumash, while it is also divided into seven parts so that it can be completed over the course of a week. An alternative division creates a monthly cycle, in which only a few chapters are read each day and the entire book of Tehillim is completed on the final day of each Jewish month. During months containing twenty-nine instead of thirty days, the thirtieth portion is combined with the twenty-ninth portion.

    The daily Tehillim read as part of Chitas follows this monthly cycle, so that it begins anew on the start of each Jewish month.

  • The Tanya was authored by the first Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745– 1812). It is the main work of Chabad philosophy, the “Written Torah of Chassidism,” in which the fundamental teachings of Chassidism are given systematic intellectual structure, with the goal of providing a universal guidebook that each Jew can use to navigate his spiritual path and advance in his personal service of G-d.

    Tanya is comprised of 5 distinct parts (Sefer Shel Beinonim, “Book of the Average Men”; Sha’ar ha-Yichud ve’ha’Emunah, “Gateway of Unity and Belief ”; Igeres ha-Teshuvah, “Letter of Repentance”; Igeres ha-Kodesh, “Sacred Letter”; Kuntres Acharon, “Last Thesis”). The sixth Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn divided Tanya into daily portions, so that it is studied over the course of a year. He prepared an alternative division to fit the thirteen months of a Jewish leap-year. The Tanya portion of the daily Chitas follows these respective divisions for a regular year or for a leap-year.

    Either cycle is designed to begin anew annually, on the nineteenth of Kislev. That date marks the liberation of Tanya’s author from incarceration in Czarist Russia on charges related in part to his Chassidic teachings. The exoneration of Rabbi Shnuer Zalman and his Chassidic movement marked a watershed in the evolution of Chassidic teachings, being viewed as Heaven’s signal to begin disseminating the teachings in abundance and in a manner that would inspire the Jewish masses. The nineteenth of Kislev is celebrated annually as the “Rosh Hashanah of Chassidism.”

Did You Know?

There are three general ways of dividing time into days: 1) days of the week, 2) days of the month, 3) days of the year.

The study of Chitas on a daily basis combines all these elements of time: The Chumash is divided according to the days of the week. The Tehillim is divided according to the days of the month. And the Tanya is divided according to the days of the year.

Additionally, it is explained in Kabbalah that a ‘day’ represents the Divine Attribute of Binah (understanding), a ‘week’ represents Ze’er Anpin (the primary six emotional attributes), ‘month’ and ‘year’ represent the attribute of Malchus (Sovereignty), thus, through a daily study of Chitas one is also combining the divine structure through which G-d created the world.

Based on a talk delivered by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Shabbas Parshas Bereishis 5741, cited in Rabbi Zev Dov Slonim’s compilation on the study of Chitas)

It can be said that the development of Chitas is as long as the history of Chabad itself, stretching from its first Rebbe, the Ba’al HaTanya (1745-1812), all the way to its seventh leader – our Rebbe.

Not long after Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi published his book of Tanya, did his followers adopt the practice of studying one of its illuminative chapters each week, and many Chassidim studied a chapter a day, as a means of readying themselves for sincere service of the heart – the legendary contemplative morning prayers for which Chassidim are famed.

In his wonderfully descriptive style, the sixth Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880-1950), portrays the centuries-old commitment to studying a daily portion of Tanya and the spiritual rewards it conveys:

The book of Tanya is the Written Torah of Chassidic thought ... The early Chassidim would read from it every week, every day of the week, one chapter, as if they were reading a portion of the Torah ... The book of Tanya removes all spiritual calamities, removes all challenges and concealments; it transforms a curse into a blessing. With it the Jews will greet Moshiach. A chapter of Tanya brings an abundance of blessings and success.

Igros Kodesh Rayatz, vol. 4, p. 269

Nevertheless, this practice did not involve a specific division or study cycle of Tanya for the purpose of daily study. Most critically, this was an informal custom of Chassidim, not the formal enactment of a Rebbe.

Stage One: Chumash

By contrast, the concept of studying the daily portion of Chumash – in tandem with the Torah reading of each Shabbos – along with its corresponding commentary of Rashi, was indeed introduced to Chabad Chasidim by the Ba’al HaTanya (the “Alter Rebbe”) himself:

Chabad Chassidim have a tradition that was passed down the generations and was originally instituted by the Alter Rebbe, to study a daily portion of the weekly sedra (Torah portion) of Chumash with Rashi. This was also done by the [Chabad] Rebbes.

HaYom Yom, entry for Teves 19

In 1890, the fifth Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Shalom DovBer Schneersohn, explained that the intention of the Ba’al HaTanya in introducing a daily Chumash-and-Rashi study was far more than a dry intellectual exercise:

In the early years of his leadership, the Alter Rebbe declared publicly, “One must live with the times.” From his brother, Rabbi Yehudah Leib, the elder Chassidim learned that the Rebbe meant that one must live with the sedra (Torah portion) of the week and the particular portion of the day. One should not merely study the weekly portion each day, but live with it.

HaYom Yom, entry for Cheshvan 2

Thus the daily Chumash study – the first of the three study cycles contained in Chitas – was established by the founder of Chabad Chassidism soon after the birth of the movement.

Stage Two: Tehillim

It was not until approximately a century and a half later that the second stage of Chitas was born. That occurred in the midst of a perilous period for Chabad and indeed, for much of Jewry. The Soviet establishment launched an oppressive campaign in all the territories under its vast dominion with the design of suffocating every last vestige of the Jewish soul – Torah education, belief in G-d, and the practical observance of the mitzvos. Despite the far reach of their secret police and the sheer terror of their ruthless methods, the Communists discovered that a lone citizen was successful in consistently and methodically unwinding their evil designs on a massive scale.

That man was Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn, who formed and personally directed a breathtaking labyrinth of underground Torah schools, synagogues, mikvehs, and the like. He sent overt and covert emissaries, teachers and instructors who were willing to risk their lives to keep the flame of Torah and mitzvos alight in every region of the USSR. He also founded branches of his Torah schools outside the USSR, in Poland, Uzbekistan and in America.

Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok was hounded mercilessly by the Soviets, but he ignored their intimidation. In 5687 (1926), however, he sensed that the enemy was poised to strike a deadly blow. In response, he requested that the book of Tehillim as it is divided into daily portions to be completed in the course of a month, be recited in all synagogues.

Listen, Chassidim, and all Jews who await the coming of Moshiach! Repeat in my name to all Chassidim in the world that I have instructed them to recite a portion of Tehillim as divided by the days of the month in all Chassidic synagogues after morning prayers each day, including Shabbos.

Excerpt of 1927 handwritten directive discovered on his desk on the day of his arrest6

Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok was arrested and suffered a brutal incarceration. The Soviets swiftly sentenced the Rebbe to death – a decree that was miraculously reversed, with the help
of enormous international outcry. So complete was the reversal that the Soviets were subsequently compelled to escort Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok with his family and his possessions out of the USSR’s iron borders to freedom.

An account by the Rebbe’s close confidant and devoted follower, Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Althaus, immortalizes Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok’s reflection on the effectiveness of reciting the daily Tehillim:

These were his exact words: “Before 5687 (1927) I was greatly afraid. I did not speculate what my own fate would be, for I never imagined what I would have to endure. Rather, my fear was for the Chassidim. Before I instructed them to begin saying Tehillim, it was really difficult for me.”

Excerpt of a letter from Rabbi Althaus to his fellow Chassidim7

After the Rebbe’s release from prison, this instruction to recite Tehillim was not reversed. In fact, the Rebbe directed that it be spread to all Jewry to their lasting benefit and protection.

Stage Three: Tanya

Sixteen years and another continent later, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok – then living in New York – completed the arduous task of apportioning the Tanya so that it could be studied in an annual cycle. This occurred in 1943, just seven years prior to his passing8 and the transfer of leadership to his son-in-law, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson – the seventh Chabad Rebbe.

This division of Tanya was undertaken in concert with a unique project with which Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok charged his son-in-law: the creation of a booklet entitled HaYom Yom - a spiritual calendar for Chabad Chassidim that would record various Chabad customs, teachings, and anecdotes – one per day.

Most critically, the calendar created by the seventh Chabad Rebbe would introduce the Chassidim to a newly-minted enactment – the institution of the daily Chitas:

You should specifically include a set schedule of daily study that is appropriate for every person – in addition to the Torah study that each person pursues according to their individual ability – that includes: 1. Chumash with Rashi’s explanation. 2. Tehillim, after morning prayers, as it is divided according to the days of the month. 3. A lesson in Tanya, as I have divided it according to the days of the year.

Igros Kodesh Rayatz, vol. 7 p. 30

Accordingly, the HaYom Yom calendar begins each day’s entry by listing the precise portions of Chumash, Tehillim, and Tanya to be recited and studied that day.

Chitas was not simply a suggestion. It was a takanah – an enactment of a Rebbe.9
Indeed, the Rebbe referred to Chitas as such repeatedly throughout his many decades of voluminous correspondence with individuals and communities around the globe and across the colorful spectrum of Jewish affiliation and observance. He called upon Jews everywhere to take up the study from which they would benefit tremendously in spirit and in the concrete needs of their material lives.10


3 Books in 3 Stages

“I was gratified to read that you observe the well-known three [daily] study schedules of Chumash, Tehillim, and Tanya that are equally applicable to all. It is self-understood that this practice should be undertaken bli neder [as a non-binding commitment]. That way, if on occasion, one is forced by circumstance to miss part of this study he will not have broken a binding intention. In such cases, you should certainly compensate for the missed portions during the subsequent days.”

Igros Kodesh, vol. 8, p. 200